Dr. Kim Hansen and Dr. Lance McIntosh

Family Dentistry
in Prescott, On.
Prescott Dentists
Call us 613-925-3428

About Us
We are a well established dental practice. Drs. Hansen and McIntosh both returned to their hometown of Prescott to begin their dental careers, and have been providing comprehensive dental treatment to their patients in a relaxed atmosphere ever since.
What's New
We now use digital radiographs (X-Rays) in our practice resulting in lower radiation exposure for our patients.
We also recently completed an extensive renovation and upgrade to our disinfection and sterilization area. Our protocols continue to meet the strict infection control guidelines required by the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario.
We offer a wide range of dental treatments including Teeth Whitening, Orthodontics, Implant Restorations, and Esthetic Dentistry.
Our goal is to achieve optimal oral health for our patients by working with our patients and emphasizing preventive-based treatments.